Monday, 26 July 2010

i made a cast of my friends face and then filled it with clay to make a mask of her face. as i have been experimenting with silicone for the human anatomy project i made a sample by covering the clay mold with silicone and pealing it off once dry to create a silicone mask covered in veins and nerves...this is just an example to show how i would use the samples i have made in context.

human anatomy

This is my final project of my first year at NUCA. I decided to look at the human anatomy and developing a way through drawing and sampling how to show the body inside out. I find the insides of the body, mainly organs and muscles,realy interesting, as humans we carry these around inside of us for all of our lives but i have never considered what it all realy looks like.

These are a pigs heart and a kidney from the butchers. i used these for observational drawing, as i couldn't use real human organs!


These are some developed drawings from the photographs.

For this project i was looking at fragmented buildings and surfaces.


I was looking at the structures of skin and this is the final outcome, laddered knitting pressed in between plastic and paper .